Fly 7



  1. 1. Kain P (2020)Loss of Smell and Taste: Potential of Using Them as Markers for Early Detection of Covid-19. AdvNeurNeurSci, 3:2
  3. 2. Thakur S.K., Goswami K, Rao P, Kaushik S, Singh B.P, Kain P, Asthana S, Bhattacharjee S, Guchhait P & Eswaran S.V. (2020) Fluoresceinated Aminohexanol Tethered Inositol Hexakisphosphate: Studies on Arabidopsis thalianaand Drosophila melanogaster and Docking with 2P1M Receptor. ACS Omega.
  5. 3. Kaushik S and Kain P (2019) Understanding Taste Using Drosophila melanogasterIntechOpen | DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89643
  7. 4. S Kaushik, R Kumar, P Kain – Journal of Experimental Neuroscience (2018)  Salt an Essential Nutrient: Advances in Understanding Salt Taste Detection Using Drosophila as a Model SystemJournal of Experimental Neuroscience Volume 12: 1–12
  9. 5. Guda T, Kain P, Sharma K R, Pham C K, Ray A (2015) Repellent compound with larger protective zone than DEET identified through activity-screening of Ir40a neurons, does not require Or function.bioRxiv : 017145
  11. 6. Kain P,  Dahanukar A (2015) Secondary taste neurons that convey sweet taste and starvation in the Drosophila brain.Neuron 85:819
  13. 7. Badsha F, Kain P, Prabhakar S, Sundaram S, Padinjat R, Rodrigues V, Hasan G (2012) Mutants in Drosophila TRPC channels reduce olfactory sensitivity to carbon dioxide.PLoS One 7:e49848
  15. 8. Schmidt I, Thomas S, Kain P, Risse B, Naffin E, Klämbt C (2012) Kinesin heavy chain function in Drosophila glial cells controls neuronal activity. J Neurosci 32:7466
  17. 9. Kain P, Badsha F, Hussain SM, Nair A, Hasan G, Rodrigues V (2010) Mutants in phospholipid signaling attenuate the behavioral response of adult Drosophila to trehalose.Chem Senses 35:663
  19. 10. Kain P, Chandrashekaran S, Rodrigues V, Hasan G (2009) Drosophila mutants in phospholipid signaling have reduced olfactory responses as adults and larvae. J Neurogenet 23:303
  21. 11. Kain P, Chakraborty T S, Rodrigues V, Hasan G (2008) Multiplicity of G Protein Signalling Mechanisms in Drosophila Olfactory Transduction. Chemical Senses  33:S29
  23. 12. Kain P, Chakraborty TS, Sundaram S, Siddiqi O, Rodrigues V, Hasan G (2008) Reduced odor responses from antennal neurons of G(q)alpha, phospholipase Cbeta, and rdgA mutants in Drosophila support a role for a phospholipid intermediate in insect olfactory transduction. 28:4745



  1. 1. Ray A, Kain P, Pham C (2015) Methods for identifying arthropod repellents based on modulation of specific ionotropic receptors, and compounds and compositions identified by such methods.US Patent 14:853